Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fair Trade Chocolate Update

ATTENTION: There is now Fair Trade Certified Chocolate in the Union’s Davis Café. If you are a Davidson student, you should definitely go buy a bar. If not, then consider buying a bar online or try to bring these products to your school. However, just as a warning the chocolate is expensive. I would suggest splitting a bar with a friend or two. The 3.5 oz. bars are something like $6.75 and the 1.5 oz. bars are $3.50; the prices are lower online. As I paid $3.50 for a chocolate bar, the cheap skate part of me absolutely cringed. Then, my conscience kicked in and I remembered how my enjoyment of this chocolate bar would not support child slavery. This made me feel infinitely better about the purchase. Unfortunately, the two sizes have mutually exclusive flavors. I wanted to try the 70% Dark Chocolate but it was only available in the large bar. The smaller bar I did choose was the Milk Chocolate Toffee Crunch.


The company Divine Chocolate is a fair trade company that supplies their cocoa from farmers in Ghana. These farmers own a stake in the company and regularly give back to their own communities. They are also provided with a steady income.


The chocolate bar was slightly overpowered by the pervasiveness of the buttery toffee bits. However, the milk chocolate was very creamy and smooth tasting. The golden foil that the bar is wrapped in made me feel like I was opening a Wonka Bar with a golden ticket inside and the packaging was beautiful. It is definitely an aesthetically pleasing candy bar. The symbols on the wrapper are Adinkra and represent concepts like Humility and Inner Strength. Also, the bar is divided into six blocks so it can be shared easily. It was good, but not the best chocolate toffee combination that I have ever had. Next time, I will try the large dark chocolate bar.

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