My long hiatus from blogging is over and I hope that I am here to stay. Through the years I have figured out that this blog is something that gives me personal happiness and gives me an outlet for writing and, more importantly, gushing about food. Jerry (my new husband, in case you didn’t know) really probably gets tired of me talking about food, reading bloglovin, and spending countless hours in the kitchen baking or cooking (maybe he doesn’t get tired of that one, just the dishes that result!). But, for those of you that do read this blog, thank you! Although I do the blog for me, it is nice to be heard.
There is no way to properly catch you up on everything that has happened in the last six months or so, but three of the most notable would probably be finishing at Davidson (this was definitely the hardest out of my seven semesters of college), getting married, and moving into an apartment in Charlotte. Although I didn’t blog, I did do some writing and lots of eating. Over the next few months you will certainly see bits and pieces of this time. For now, I want to tell you about some of the best eating I have done EVER.
Jerry and I got married on January 11th. It was a beautiful winter wedding that I thought was absolutely perfect. Although it probably wasn’t flawless, it was the best day of my life thus far and I will cherish the sacredness of the service and the good times (and food) had with friends and family at the reception. I could gush on and on about the food for the rehearsal dinner and reception, but I won’t bore you, especially since there are no pictures….yet. But, I will say that the wedding cake was a complete success. I ordered it from Maxie B’s, a bakery in Greensboro, NC. It was decorated simply but beautifully with frosted fruit, a rustic icing finish, and an “L” topper I bought on Etsy. We got so many compliments on the cake. Everyone said it was the best they had ever had. This was music to my ears. I loved the compliments I got on my dress but compliments on the cake validated my love for and knowledge of cake. Basically, I can be easily won over by complimenting my taste in food. The only sad part was that Jerry and I split a piece. I don’t know what I was thinking not asking for another piece from a different tier, obviously I was a bit busy receiving friends and family. The bottom layer of the cake that we cut from was carrot cake, the next layer was strawberry buttercream, and the third and anniversary layers were red velvet. I am happy to report that there was no smushing of cake in each others’ face. I had threatened Jerry with an annulment if he did and cake got on my dress, not a good start to a marriage.
More to come next time on our honeymoon food in New York. And, more in the way of pictures too!